Depth of Praise is now published

It is done.  With the click of a mouse, my first book is released to the world.  Depth of Praise is now available via CreateSpace, and this Poseidon devotional will be available via in 3-5 business days.  It is not, and never will be, available in any electronic form. My Kickstarter backers were advisedContinue reading “Depth of Praise is now published”

What I learned from the hilasmós of Athene

Dionysos hates owls. Galina Krasskova takes honoring the dead very, very seriously. I haven’t the slightest clue how to pronounce “theoi.” Athene is a protector of the dead. Markos Gage should have been there. All the Hellenic gods seem to have a chthonic aspect, which makes ancestor veneration all the more important. A Litany forContinue reading “What I learned from the hilasmós of Athene”