Are polyester flags better?

The feeling of artificial fibers against my skin is gross: the fabric slips and slides like the oil it’s made from, and doesn’t provide me any of the comfort or sense of style I draw from natural fibers. I won’t say that I have completely eliminated polyester, rayon and the like from my wardrobe—the stuff is everywhere—but I can say with confidence that I don’t own any nylon flags, at least. In a perfect world I’d only own American flags made from hemp like the first ones were, but we aren’t quite there yet.

a polyester American flag, tattered by the elements

Hemp may be a long way off, but in the meantime it’s better only to use flags made from other natural fibers. We know that plastics can’t really be recycled, after all, and nylon falls apart just as quickly as cotton when left to the elements. Polyester flags are pushed as “weather-resistant,” and “tear-proof,” but I see no evidence that this is true. Careless Americans who abandon their flags to the elements will reduce them to tatters in short order regardless; why not choose something that is kinder on the planet? If you want to make a flag last, bring it in at night.

Flags made from natural fibers can be burned without worrying too much about holding your breath or keeping your skin out of the smoke. Whether you’re respectfully retiring a flag with fire or burning it in effigy, a cotton one is going to be a healthier alternative than a rayon one.

5 thoughts on “Are polyester flags better?

  1. What are your thoughts on giving offerings to Columbia, Libertas, and Minerva (the three primary Goddesses of the United States) before retiring a flag by fire to thank Them for imbuing the flag with Their spirits? This of course would be a bookend at the end of the flag’s career which would start offerings to those same Goddesses to imbue the flag to begin with


    1. Oh, I think those are all lovely ideas! I’ve never made such offerings myself, but perhaps it’s time to change that. Please do let me know if and how you do this.


      1. I haven’t done it as I don’t currently own an American flag but I will be sure to do so if I ever get one. I just figured it’d make sense considering that those three are the primary Goddesses of America (as you probably know, there’s several others but Columbia, Minerva, and Libertas are foremost in the American pantheon)


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